The Time for Everything: Lessons in Patience and Support

This is something that you can reflect in your daily life.. 


Popcorn is made by frying little corn kernels in a pot with oil and heat. But even though they're all cooked together, they don't all pop at the same time. It's kind of like when there's a big flood, the fish eat the ants. But when the flood goes away, the ants eat the fish. It shows that sometimes things happen at different times, and that's okay.

Making soap needs oil, but if you want to clean oil, you need soap. It's funny because you need one thing to make something, but then you need that thing again to fix it. It's like when we need help from someone, and then later they might need help from us. We all need each other at different times.

It's important not to look down on or make fun of someone when they're doing really well or when they're not doing well. There is a time for everything and everyone. So we should work hard, believe in God, and wait for our own turn. Our special time will come when God thinks it's the right time.


Remember, never give up!


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