The Importance of Helping Others: A Lesson from a Running Race

Something to ponder upon in our daily life..


During a marathon, there was a race between two runners, one from Kenya and one from Spain. 

When the Kenyan runner, Abel Mutai, was very close to the finish line, he got confused and stopped running because he thought he had already finished the race.

The Spanish runner, Ivan Fernandez, who was right behind him, saw what was happening and yelled at the Kenyan to keep running. But the Kenyan didn't understand because he didn't speak Spanish. 

So, the Spanish runner pushed the Kenyan to the finish line and let him win the race.

When a reporter asked the Spanish runner why he did that, he said he wanted everyone to work together to help each other become better. 

The reporter asked why he didn't try to win the race himself instead of letting the Kenyan win.

The Spanish runner replied by asking the reporter if it was more important to win or to help others.

The reporter insisted and asked again: "But you could have won!"

The Spanish runner looked back at him and replied, 
“But what is the merit of my victory? What is the honor of this medal then? What will my mother’s think of it?”

So, the question is, do you think it's better to help others or just focus on winning for yourself?


As a human, you have to be kind and helpful to others, even if it means we might not win ourselves whereby we should try to help others when we can.

So, if you see someone who needs help, like a friend who is sad or someone who is having trouble with something, try to help them. Being kind and helpful to others is a good thing to do, and it can make the world a better place!


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