
Showing posts from May, 2023

Unlimited Possibilites: The story of Lily

Salam.. This is something that you can reflect in your daily life..  *** Once upon a time in a small village nestled among rolling hills, there lived a young girl named Lily. She was known for her determination and unwavering belief that anything was possible if she set her mind to it. Lily's village was filled with hardworking farmers who had never ventured beyond their familiar fields. They believed that their lives were bound by the limitations of their surroundings. Lily, however, was different. She had dreams that stretched far beyond the village boundaries. Every day, she would sit under the shade of a great oak tree, gazing up at the vast sky and imagining the adventures that awaited her. The villagers thought she was naïve and foolish, but Lily remained undeterred. One sunny morning, as Lily sat beneath her favorite tree, she overheard a conversation between the village elder and a traveling storyteller. The storyteller spoke of a mystical land beyond the distant mountains,

Kisah Adam dan Aisha

  Salam.. Semoga nukilan ini bermanfaat.. *** Di sebuah kampung yang dikelilingi hamparan hijau yang indah, tinggal sepasang suami isteri bernama Adam dan Aisyah. Mereka adalah contoh teladan dalam menjalani bahtera perkahwinan yang bahagia. Adam, seorang suami yang tegas dalam agamanya, sentiasa menunaikan tanggungjawab terhadap Aisyah dengan penuh kesabaran dan belas kasihan. Adam menganggap dirinya sebagai ketua keluarga dan berpegang teguh pada prinsip Nabi Muhammad. "Setiap kamu adalah pemimpin dan bertanggungjawab terhadap kepimpinannya. Suami adalah pemimpin dan bertanggungjawab terhadap keluarganya." Pesan Nabi mengilhamkan Adam untuk menjadi pemimpin yang bijak dan berintegriti bagi keluarganya. Selain itu, Adam juga sedar akan tanggungjawabnya dalam memberikan pendidikan agama kepada Aisyah. Walaupun Adam mempunyai ilmu yang luas, dia sedar bahawa sudah menjadi kewajipannya untuk mengajar Aisha ilmu fardu ain. Dengan sabar dan lemah lembut, Adam mengajak Aisyah untu

Kisah Ahmad dan Fatimah

Salam.. Semoga nukilan ini bermanfaat.. *** Ahmad dan Fatimah merupakan pasangan suami isteri yang sudah lima tahun mendirikan rumah tangga. Mereka berdua bercita-cita untuk melangsungkan perkahwinan yang bahagia dan aman, dan untuk mencapainya, mereka berusaha mengikut jalan yang telah ditunjukkan oleh Allah dan Rasul. Ahmad sebagai suami memandang serius tanggungjawabnya dalam memimpin keluarga. Beliau bukan sahaja seorang pemimpin yang berwibawa, malah cuba menjadi contoh yang baik kepada Fatimah. Setiap keputusan yang dibuat, Ahmad sentiasa memikirkan kepentingan keluarganya dan meminta nasihat daripada orang bijak pandai. Bagi menunaikan tanggungjawab keduanya sebagai suami, Ahmad merasakan penting untuk mengajar Fatimah ilmu fardu. Walaupun Ahmad memahami agama dengan baik, dia sedar bahawa belajar bersama dapat mengeratkan hubungan mereka dan membantu Fatimah mengembangkan iman. Mereka berdua menghadiri kelas agama bersama-sama dan memberikan sokongan antara satu sama lain dalam

Cultivating Leadership: Building a Stronger Future

Salam.. This is something that you can reflect in your daily life..  *** In the bustling city of Crestville, there once lived a remarkable leader named Benjamin. His towering presence and unwavering charisma made him a beacon of inspiration for the people around him. Benjamin firmly believed in the power of nurturing leadership in others, and he lived by the motto, "The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers." Benjamin had experienced firsthand the transformative impact of strong leadership during his own journey. He had started as a humble apprentice in a small workshop and, through perseverance and dedication, had risen to become the head of a successful business empire. But Benjamin's success had never been solely about personal achievement; he understood that true greatness lay in uplifting those around him. In every interaction, Benjamin sought to empower and encourage his team members to reach their full potential. He believed that by

Path of Your Journey: Embracing the Unknown

  Salam.. This is something that you can reflect in your daily life..  *** Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between towering mountains and lush green valleys, lived a young woman named Maya. She was known for her vibrant spirit, her insatiable curiosity, and her unwavering determination. Maya believed in the power of choice and the freedom to shape one's destiny. Her favorite saying, passed down through generations, was, "You can choose which path to take; your journey lies in your hands." Maya grew up surrounded by stories of great adventures and daring explorations. She would spend hours listening to the tales of travelers who had embarked on incredible journeys, braving unknown territories and conquering their fears. These stories ignited a fire within Maya, and she dreamt of embarking on her own extraordinary expedition. As Maya grew older, the desire to set out on her own journey intensified. She yearned to experience the world beyond her village, to disc

Anjing-anjing Neraka

Salam.. Semoga nukilan ini bermanfaat.. *** Pada suatu hari, Rasulullah S.A.W. memberi nasihat kepada Mu'adz dengan ketegasan, menyampaikan pesan yang menggetarkan hati dan menarik perhatian. "Wahai Mu'adz," katanya, "peliharalah lidahmu dengan sungguh-sungguh, jangan biarkan ghibah meluncur dari bibirmu. Sibukkan dirimu membaca Al-Qur'an, yang akan menjadi cahaya dalam hidupmu. Tanggung jawab atas dosamu sendiri. , jangan salahkan orang lain. Jangan sekali-kali mencela dan merendahkan orang lain, kerana kamu tidak lebih mulia daripada mereka. Juga, jangan kamu campur adukkan amalan kamu di dunia dengan amalan kamu di akhirat." Nabi melanjutkan dengan memberi peringatan keras, "Janganlah kamu sombong dengan kedudukanmu, agar orang lain tidak takut dan menjauhi akhlak burukmu. Jangan berbisik ketika orang lain berada di dekatmu. Jangan merasa bahawa anda lebih tinggi dan lebih mulia daripada sesiapa pun. . Dan jangan sekali-kali menyakiti orang lain

The Mind's Alchemy: Transforming Life with Positive Thoughts

Salam.. This is something that you can reflect in your daily life..  *** Once in a quaint village nestled amidst rolling hills, there lived a young girl named Lily. She possessed a curious mind and a heart full of dreams. However, she often found herself weighed down by negative thoughts and self-doubt. Lily longed for a change in her life, but she couldn't seem to break free from the cycle of negativity that clouded her mind. One sunny afternoon, while wandering through a bustling marketplace, Lily stumbled upon an old bookstore tucked away in a quiet corner. Drawn to its charm, she entered, hoping to find solace within its walls. As she perused the shelves, a book caught her eye. Its cover gleamed with golden letters, and the title read, "Unleashing the Power of Your Mind." Intrigued, Lily pulled the book from its place and began to read. The pages were filled with stories of individuals who had transformed their lives through the power of positive thinking. They had re

Sailing with Purpose: Mastering the Art of the Sails

Salam.. This is something that you can reflect in your daily life..  *** Once upon a time, in a small coastal village, there lived a young sailor named Ethan. He had always been fascinated by the vastness of the ocean and the power of the wind. From a tender age, he dreamed of setting sail on his own ship and exploring the world beyond the horizon. Ethan's dream seemed unattainable at first. The villagers had a saying, "We have no control over the wind, however we can control how we work the sails." It reminded them that while they couldn't change external circumstances, they could still navigate their lives in a way that would lead them to success. Inspired by this motto, Ethan decided to pursue his dreams despite the challenges ahead. Ethan sought guidance from an experienced sailor, Captain Leo, who had weathered many storms and sailed through countless adventures. Captain Leo saw the spark of determination in Ethan's eyes and agreed to mentor him. Under his tu

The Power Within: Transforming Negativity to Positivity

Salam.. This is something that you can reflect in your daily life..  *** In the bustling city of Progressia, there lived a young woman named Sophia. Sophia was known for her indomitable spirit and unwavering determination to overcome any obstacle that stood in her way. Her favorite quote, "A powerful person is someone who converts fear into confidence, setbacks into comebacks, excuses into decisions, mistakes into learnings," encapsulated her mindset and fueled her relentless pursuit of personal growth and success. From a young age, Sophia had faced numerous challenges. She had encountered setbacks, made mistakes, and felt the grip of fear holding her back. However, she refused to allow these experiences to define her. Instead, she chose to transform them into stepping stones on her journey to greatness. Sophia understood that fear was a natural part of life, but she refused to let it control her. Every time fear whispered doubts in her ear, she responded with unwavering conf

The Mind's Mastery: Unleashing the Power of Your Thoughts

Salam.. This is something that you can reflect in your daily life..  *** In the vibrant town of Lumina, there lived a young man named Alex. Alex possessed a unique perspective on life. He firmly believed in the power of the mind and its ability to shape one's actions and ultimately determine one's destiny. This belief was encapsulated in his favorite quote: "Your mindset decides your actions." From a young age, Alex had encountered numerous challenges and setbacks. However, instead of succumbing to despair, he approached each obstacle with a determined and positive mindset. He understood that his thoughts and beliefs would influence the choices he made and the actions he took. One sunny morning, as Alex strolled through the bustling marketplace, he witnessed a street performer captivating a crowd with a mesmerizing juggling act. Inspired by the performer's skill and grace, Alex approached him to inquire about his journey to becoming a master juggler. The performer

The Emotion Alchemist: Unleashing the Power Within

Salam.. This is something that you can reflect in your daily life..                                                                                                      ***   In the bustling city of Vertovia, there lived a young woman named Evelyn. Growing up, she had always been a highly emotional person, wearing her heart on her sleeve and often feeling overwhelmed by her own feelings. One day, she stumbled upon a quote that struck a chord within her: "You become very dangerous once you learn to control your feelings." Intrigued by the idea of harnessing her emotions rather than being controlled by them, Evelyn embarked on a journey of self-discovery. She sought out the wisdom of ancient teachings and modern psychology, determined to unravel the secret behind the quote that had captivated her. Evelyn began her exploration by delving into the world of mindfulness and emotional intelligence. She learned to observe her emotions without judgment, understanding that they were a

The Guided Path: Embracing Individuality

Salam.. Something to reflect in our daily life.. *** Once upon a time in the enchanting village of Harmonyville, there lived a young girl named Maya. Maya was known for her independent spirit and unwavering determination to always do what she believed was right. She had a deep-rooted belief that following the majority wasn't always the path to success or happiness. This belief was embodied by her favorite quote: "Do not follow the majority, follow the right way." In Harmonyville, a captivating forest surrounded the village, filled with ancient trees, mystical creatures, and hidden wonders. The forest had long been a source of fascination and mystery for the villagers, but it was also a place where danger lurked. Legends spoke of a hidden treasure deep within the forest, said to grant unimaginable wealth and power to those who found it. Many villagers had attempted to find this treasure, but none had returned successful. One day, a rumor spread throughout Harmonyville that

Discovering True Wealth: The Journey to Free Happiness

  Salam.. Something that you can ponder upon..                                                                                                      ***   Once upon a time in the bustling city of Jubilantville, there lived a young man named Oliver. He had dreams of becoming rich and successful, believing that only then would he find true happiness. Day after day, Oliver toiled away at his job, tirelessly chasing after promotions and higher paychecks. One evening, as Oliver sat alone in his small apartment, he stumbled upon a weathered book that had been left behind by the previous tenant. Curiosity piqued, he opened it to find a page with a single quote inscribed in elegant calligraphy: "Don't wait to be rich to be happy. Happiness is free." Intrigued by these words, Oliver pondered their meaning. He realized that he had been so consumed by his pursuit of wealth that he had forgotten to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Determined to change his perspective, he decided to

Amelia the Compassionate: A Journey of Self-Care and Service

  Salam.. Something that you can ponder upon..                                                                                                      ***   Once upon a time in the peaceful village of Serenity, there lived a kind-hearted young woman named Amelia. Amelia possessed a unique gift: an unwavering desire to help others. She dedicated her days to assisting those in need, bringing smiles to their faces, and making their lives a little brighter. The village admired her selflessness, but they also worried that she might exhaust herself in the process. Amelia was aware of the concern her actions generated, but she firmly believed that she could continue helping others while taking care of herself. She understood that neglecting her own well-being would hinder her ability to be of service to those around her. With this mantra in her heart, she embarked on a journey to prove that balance was possible. One sunny morning, Amelia set off on her trusted steed, Luna, carrying a bag filled

Ibrah yang Boleh Diperolehi Daripada Kisah Kaum-Kaum yang Terdahulu (Menurut Islam)

Salam.. Ini adalah kisah mengenai kaum-kaum terdahulu seperti yang tercatat didalam Al-Quran, moga bermanfaat.. *** Dalam al-Quran, banyak sekali diceritakan kisah umat terdahulu yang telah dibinasakan oleh Allah kerana mereka mengingkari utusan-Nya dan melakukan berbagai-bagai penyimpangan yang telah dilarang.  Namun apakah pengajaran yang boleh kita pelajari daripada kisah-kisah tersebut? Untuk menjadi lebih baik berdasarkan pelajaran dari kisah-kisah dalam Al-Quran yang disebutkan di atas, ada beberapa langkah yang dapat diambil: Ibrah yang boleh diambil adalah seperti berikut:- a) Mengimani dan menghormati utusan Allah:  Penting untuk memahami bahwa utusan-utusan Allah dikirim dengan tujuan memberikan petunjuk kepada umat manusia. Dalam kasus-kasus yang disebutkan di atas, kaum-kaum tersebut mendustakan dan memperolok-olok utusan-utusan Allah. Oleh karena itu, kita perlu memperkuat iman kita dan menghormati utusan-utusan Allah yang telah datang sebelumnya, seperti Nabi Nuh, Nabi Hu

Embracing Differences: Discovering Meaningful Connections and Personal Growth

  Salam.. Something that you can ponder upon..                                                                                                      ***   It's natural for us humans to be friends with people who are like us. We usually like to be around people who like the same things and believe the same things as us. But that doesn't mean we should stay away from people who are different. In fact, those differences can help us have really interesting talks and make special friendships. When we talk to people who come from different places or have different experiences, we can learn things we never knew before. We can start to see the world in a new way and understand more about how other people think. This can help us be nicer and understand others better. For example, let's say you meet someone who is from a different country. Instead of being scared or staying away, you can talk to them and ask about their life and traditions. You might find out that they really care abo

The Time for Everything: Lessons in Patience and Support

Salam.. This is something that you can reflect in your daily life..                                                                                                      ***   Popcorn is made by frying little corn kernels in a pot with oil and heat. But even though they're all cooked together, they don't all pop at the same time. It's kind of like when there's a big flood, the fish eat the ants. But when the flood goes away, the ants eat the fish. It shows that sometimes things happen at different times, and that's okay. Making soap needs oil, but if you want to clean oil, you need soap. It's funny because you need one thing to make something, but then you need that thing again to fix it. It's like when we need help from someone, and then later they might need help from us. We all need each other at different times. It's important not to look down on or make fun of someone when they're doing really well or when they're not doing well. There is a t

Delicious Cakes: The Power of Kindness.

Salam.. This is something that you can reflect in your daily life..                                                                                                      ***   Once upon a time, there was a person who really, really liked cakes. They loved eating all kinds of cakes, and one day, they decided to order a special cake called mango cheese cake. It sounded so yummy! When the person went to the cake shop, a nice waitress greeted them with a big smile. She was very friendly and made the person feel happy. The person ordered the mango cheese cake and waited excitedly. When the waitress brought the cake, she said something very nice. She said, "Have a nice day!" It made the person feel even happier. They loved the cake, but they also loved the waitress's kind words and how she treated them so well. From this experience, the person learned something important. They realized that every person has the power to make a difference, even in small ways. Like the waitress wh

The Determined Frog: The Power of Words and Kindness

Salam.. This is something that you can reflect in your daily life..  ***  Once upon a time, there were some frogs going on a journey in the jungle. Two frogs accidentally fell into a deep hole. When the other frogs saw how deep it was, they thought there was no way for the two frogs to get out. The group of frogs couldn't figure out how to help their friends. They gave up and thought it was impossible. But the two frogs inside the hole decided not to listen to anyone. They chose to try and find a way out. The two frogs kept trying to jump out of the hole. The other frogs outside kept saying they would never make it and that they should stop trying. The group of frogs discouraged them every time they attempted to jump out. Eventually, one frog believed what the others were saying and gave up. He stopped trying and sadly passed away in the hole. The other frog kept jumping and jumping, even though he was tired and in pain. But he didn't give up. The frogs outside felt bad and tol

Think Before You Act: A Story of Self-Destruction

Salam.. This is something that you can reflect in your daily life..  *** Once upon a time, a snake was in search of food when it entered a carpenter's workshop.  The carpenter was not the most organized person and the workshop was quite messy with tools scattered around.  As the snake slithered through the workshop, it accidentally slithered over a sharp saw, causing a tiny cut on its body. Startled by the sudden pain, the snake immediately assumed that the saw was attacking it.  In a state of panic and fury, the snake launched a fierce attack on the saw, biting and thrashing at it with all its might.  However, as the snake continued to strike the saw, its own body started to get injured from the sharp blade. The snake's anger blinded it from realizing that it was attacking the wrong target.  Eventually, the snake died from the injuries it had inflicted upon itself while trying to destroy the saw. The moral of this story is that sometimes our own emotions can lead us to make im

Shake off the Dirt: A Lesson on Perseverance and Resilience

Salam.. This is something that you can reflect in your daily life..  *** Once upon a time, a farmer's donkey fell into an old, abandoned well.  The poor animal cried and brayed for hours as the farmer tried to find a way to rescue him.  But after some time, the farmer decided that the donkey was too old and that the well needed to be covered up anyway.  So he called all his neighbors and asked them to help him fill the well with dirt, which they promptly started doing. As the dirt rained down on the donkey, he cried even louder, but then something remarkable happened.  With each shovelful of dirt that landed on him, the donkey shook it off and stepped up.  The farmer and his neighbors were amazed as they watched the donkey use the very dirt that was burying him to climb higher and higher. Finally, the donkey reached the top of the well and stepped out, to the great relief and applause of everyone watching.  They had witnessed firsthand the power of perseverance and resilience. ***