Shake off the Dirt: A Lesson on Perseverance and Resilience

This is something that you can reflect in your daily life.. 

Once upon a time, a farmer's donkey fell into an old, abandoned well. 

The poor animal cried and brayed for hours as the farmer tried to find a way to rescue him. 

But after some time, the farmer decided that the donkey was too old and that the well needed to be covered up anyway. 

So he called all his neighbors and asked them to help him fill the well with dirt, which they promptly started doing.

As the dirt rained down on the donkey, he cried even louder, but then something remarkable happened. 

With each shovelful of dirt that landed on him, the donkey shook it off and stepped up. 

The farmer and his neighbors were amazed as they watched the donkey use the very dirt that was burying him to climb higher and higher.

Finally, the donkey reached the top of the well and stepped out, to the great relief and applause of everyone watching. 

They had witnessed firsthand the power of perseverance and resilience.


Life can often feel like that old, abandoned well. We can find ourselves trapped and buried under the weight of our problems and difficulties. But like the donkey, we have the ability to shake off the dirt and take each problem as a step up. It's not easy, and it can be painful, but with each step we become stronger and more resilient. We can climb out of even the deepest holes if we refuse to give up.


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